Avs Hd 709 Calibration Disc Download
Jul 3, 2015 - I downloaded this and it was way over my head. But for basic calibration, either the AVS HD 709 disc or even the Disney World of Wonder.
Click to expand.I've just run my TW3200 through with this as a precursor to doing a more thorough calibration. First impressions are its made a big difference and was a doddle to use.
I was happy enough with my settings but they were way off. Things much improved now. As stated, though, it's not suitable for an in-depth calibration - its a more complex version of the free ones you get with THX discs but with a lot more patterns and a lot more things to play with. It will show areas that need improvement and will allow you to make 'by eye' adjustments of those areas. I was happy with the free ones on discs, but they're not as good as this one. And this comes with the blue filters so you can have a go at setting the colours.
I'll be selling mine on shortly - I've got an 'eye one' now and the Video Essentials disc so will be spending a few hours with that and doing a more hardcore calibration soon. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you a heads up when I put it on my sales thread. It's mint and it'll be a few quid cheaper than amazon. Click to expand.I'd be very wary about using filters to accurately set certain image attributes. I've calibrated and compared the measured result to that achieved using different by eye colour filters.
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The result were significantly different in all cases. There are several factors that affect the use of filters such as the displays native colour gamut, display tech, the filter itself including degradation, source device, video signal format to be supported etc.
There's no doubt that using the filter can make the resulting image 'look different' but it may not be accurately calibrated. I've just run my TW3200 through with this as a precursor to doing a more thorough calibration. First impressions are its made a big difference and was a doddle to use. I was happy enough with my settings but they were way off.
Things much improved now. As stated, though, it's not suitable for an in-depth calibration - its a more complex version of the free ones you get with THX discs but with a lot more patterns and a lot more things to play with.
It will show areas that need improvement and will allow you to make 'by eye' adjustments of those areas. I was happy with the free ones on discs, but they're not as good as this one. And this comes with the blue filters so you can have a go at setting the colours. I'll be selling mine on shortly - I've got an 'eye one' now and the Video Essentials disc so will be spending a few hours with that and doing a more hardcore calibration soon. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you a heads up when I put it on my sales thread. It's mint and it'll be a few quid cheaper than amazon.
Having just installed my tw6000 in a dedicated av room with a 120' fixed screen i decided rather than pay £250 for someone to come and fiddle with the settings on my machine.i'd rather invest in calibration discs. I bought the cheaper one advertised on amazon for about £17 and it was a waste of time BUT the THX blu ray calibration disc, complete with blu tint glasses is truly an amazing product! Though i was not far off from the ideal settings.the tweaks i made particulary with the tints and gamma settings was really awesome! It definitely was worth just under £60. A friend of mine has offered to get hold of some more discs with glasses in the next few weeks.
I wonder if any members of AVF would be interested in buying them. The best price i can do for those serious cinemaphiles is £47 including p&p recorded of course!
If there is a demand i will get them sent over! Click to expand.Out of curiosity how do you calibrate colour temp (greyscale), gamma, colour gamut, colour luminance etc using just your calibration disc? The free to download AVS HD 709 (link in post #2) contains appropriate HD material to fully calibrate most displays. Just burn to a normal DVD or Blu-ray. Here's what's covered - I wouldn't waste money on other calibration titles to calibrate display chain basics which in reality is all that can be achieved without appropriate tools/range of adjustments etc.
A useful intro to calibration info can be found here - Avi. Click to expand.Dynamic range low and high is simply showing you single increment interface steps to allow you to assess performance. It's an assesment pattern that will reflect the impact of how you set brightness and contrast.
For example if you've set brightness level correctly dynamic range low provides a visual indication of near ref black performance (in ideal viewing conditions). Interface code 16 is ref black and should merge with the background with flashing 17 being barely visible and flashing 18,19,20. Etc increasing in luminance gradually. Dynamic range high does a similar thing for near ref white (code 235). Depending on your calibration goal/system capability the pattern allows assessment all the way to interface code 254.